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Dr. Monica Pepe
Dr. Monica Pepe
INFN – Sezione di Perugia
<!– –>Senior Staff Researcher
<!– –>INFN Sezione di Perugia, via A. Pascoli, 06123 Perugia(Italy)
<!– –>
<!– –>monicapepe
<!– –>+390755852748 (INFN-Perugia office) +393473663419 (private mobile)
<!– –>Curriculum Vitae
<!– –>Publications
<!– –>ORCID: 0000-0001-5624-4010
<!– –>Languages
- Italian – Native Language
- English – Fluent
- French – Good
- Spanish – Good
<!– –>Field of Interest
The main field of interest is experimental high-energy physics using accelerators and astroparticle physics: Physics at Hadronic Colliders (CERN SppS and LHC, experiments UA2, UA2′, LHCB), Physics with neutral and charged Kaon beams (CERN experiments NA48, NA48/1, NA48/2, NA62) and High Energy Gamma Physics in space (FERMI experiment).
I’m also currently involved in several outreach activities.
<!– –>Education
University of Perugia
<!– –>February 1986
“Laurea” in Physics Magna Cum Laude
Thesis: A study of hadronic decays of W and Z boson produced
in proton-antiproton interactions in the UA2 detector at CERN SppS.
University of Pavia
<!– –>November 1987
Physics Specialization Course
<!– –>Employments
- CNR Fellowship at CERN Geneva, August 1987 – July 1988
- CNR Fellowship at CERN Geneva, August 1989 – January 1990
- Fellowship at the Experimental Physics Division, CERN Geneva, February 1990 – May 1992
- Researcher at INFN Perugia, Italy, June 1992 – May 1997
- Researcher at INFN Perugia, since August 1998 (permanent position)
- Paid Scientific Associate, CERN Geneva (on leave of absence from INFN), April 2000 – September 2001
- Senior Researcher at INFN Perugia, since January 2006 (permanent position)
- National academic qualification (ASN) for Full Professor (sector 02/A1 Experimental Physics and Fundamental Interactions) since January 2014, renewed in April 2021.
<!– –>Coordination
Coordination of Scientific Activities
- Analysis Coordinator for Direct Photon Searches of the CERN UA2′ experiment (1987-1992)
- Offline Program Coordinator for the CERN NA48 experiment (1995-1997)
- Offline Monitor Coordinator for the CERN NA48 experiment (1995-1996)
- Detector data quality Coordinator for the CERN NA48 experiment (1996-2000)
- Software Coordinator for the CERN NA48 experiment (2000-2001)
- Analysis and Software Coordinator in the R&D program for the RICH of the CERN NA62 experiment (2006-2009)
- Co-coordinator of the NA62 RICH offline reconstruction commissioning (2014-2015)
- Coordination of Perugia activities for the CERN NA62 experiment (2020-today)
Management and Institutional Duties
- Local Representative of INFN Perugia researchers (2004-2010)
- Coordinator of the Perugia-INFN projects on Particle Physics (2011-2019)
- Member of the INFN Evaluation Working Group (2012-Today)
- President of the Committee for INFN Post-Doc Fellowship at INFN Perugia (2011-2013)
- Member of the Committee for the INFN Conversi Prize for PhD Thesis (2011)
- Member of the Committee for the XXVIII PhD cycle in Physics at the University of Perugia (2012)
- Member of PRIN (Research Project of National Interest) for the University of Perugia (PRIN2006, PRIN2008, PRIN2010-2011)
- Team Leader of NA62-Perugia group (2020-Today)
<!– –>Peer Review Activities
- Reviewer of CERN Computing Resources (COCOTIME) (1998-2002)
- Reviewer for INFN CSN1 : funding of projects on Particle Physics (2011-Today):
- Referee of KLOE2 experiment (2011-2015)
- Referee of ATLAS and CMS experiments (2015-Today)
- Reviewer for INFN GLV: scientific evaluation for Particle Physics (2012-Today)
- Member of GEV (ANVUR Evaluation Expert Group), Sector 02 Physics, for VQR 2011-2014 (Evaluation of Research Quality in Italy)
- Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation: funding of projects on Particle Physics (2015-Today)
- Member of REPRISE, Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation (2019-Today)
- Reviewer for Journals:
- 2019-Today: JHEP, EPJ-C, Physical Review & Physical Review Letters, PLB
- 2020-Today: Heliyon
<!– –>Committees of Conferences
- Scientific Secretary for the Int. Conference “LP-HEP ’91 – Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium and Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics”, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 25 July – 2 August, 1991.
- Scientific Secretary for the Int. Conference “PAN XIII – Particles and Nuclei”, Perugia, Italy, 28 June – 2 July, 1993.
- Local Organizing Committee of the Int. Conference “Calorimetry in particle physics, CALOR 2004”, Perugia, Italy, 29 March – 2 April, 2004.
- Organizing Committee of the INFN Educational Workshop “MAPS – Methods of Analysis for Physics in Space”, Perugia, Italy, 22-23 October 2009.
- Local Organizing Committee of the Int. Conference “IX International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons, BEACH 2010”, Perugia, Italy, 21-26 June 2010.
- Co-Coordinator of the INFN Educational Workshop “Communication and Divulgation in Physics”, Perugia, Italy, 9-12 November 2010.
- Local Organizing Committee of the Int. Conference “KAON – International Conference on Kaon Physics”, Perugia, Italy, 10-13 September, 2019.
<!– –>Outreach
- European Researchers Night
- International Masterclass LHCB
- Administrator of INFN Perugia Facebook page
- Communication and WEB page team for the Perugia PhD School of Physics
- Seminars at High Schools (Scientific Degree Project)
- Guided tours at CERN experiments and INFN exhibitions
- Public events during Educational Workshops in Communication and Divulgation in Physics
- INFN Perugia Brochure