with patronage of

IX International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons
21-26 June 2010, Aula Magna, University of Perugia
Perugia, Italy 

The Ninth International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons will be held at the University of Perugia, from 21 June  to 26 June 2010. This conference continues the BEACH conference series, which began with a meeting in Strasbourg in 1995. The series now offers a biennial opportunity for both theorists and experimentalists from the high-energy physics community to discuss all aspects of hyperon and heavy-flavor physics:

  • K, charm and B meson decays

  • Symmetry violations

  • Physics beyond standard model (BSM)

  • Heavy quark production in hadron and lepton interactions

  • Quarkonium spectroscopy and production

  • Advances in theoretical calculations

  • Hyperon physics

  • Top quark physics

  • New experimental facilities and projects.  

  • The conference will take place in the Aula Magna (Great Hall) of the University of Perugia, in the historical center of the town.


    (Here is a link to the Indico web site of BEACH2010 at which contributors to the proceedings must submit their camera-ready copy.)

    1st bulletin

    2nd bulletin

    Final conference program  

    Public seminar



    Deadline for support requests: April 25th, 2010
    Deadline for abstract submission: May 1st, 2010
    Deadline for early registration and hotel reservation: May 15th, 2010
    Deadline for registration to the conference:  June 15th, 2010
    Deadline for proceedings paper submission: August 15th, 2010



    BEACH 2008 - Columbia, SC, USA
    BEACH 2006
    - Lancaster, UK
    BEACH 2004 - Chicago, USA
    BEACH 2002 - Vancouver, Canada
    BEACH 2000 - Valencia, Spain
    BEACH 1998 - Genoa, Italy
    BEACH 1996 - Montreal, Canada
    BEACH 1995 - Strasbourg, France

    webmaster: S. Ciprini .